Lesser Slave River News

Community news updates from the MD

Prioritize Your Mental Wellness

It is normal to be feeling increased levels of stress and anxiety due to the ongoing pandemic. As social gathering restrictions and economic shutdowns have remained in place far longer than governments first anticipated, we understand that the activities and coping strategies you relied on to get through the past year may not be working as well as they used to.

If you’ve been getting by but don’t feel like things are getting better, know that you are not alone and you can reach out for help.

Support is available from AHS Addiction and Mental Health. Access trained professionals 24/7 by calling the Addiction Helpline at 1-866-332-2322 or Mental Health Helpline 1-877-303-2642. If you are experiencing a mental health crisis, please contact 911 immediately or go to your nearest emergency department. AHS COVID-19 online tools and resources include Text4Hope, MoreGoodDays, and ahs.ca/helpintoughtimes.

Alberta Health Services is committed to providing safe and inclusive quality care for all Albertans, ensuring our health system welcomes and respects all cultures, traditions and beliefs.


Text4Hope offers free daily text messaging services, an evidence-based tool that helps people identify and adjust the negative thoughts, feelings and behaviours a pandemic might be expected to provoke. To subscribe, text COVID19HOPE to 393939.


MoreGoodDays offers free daily text messaging services, delivering inspiration and advice straight to your phone via text message. Whether you’re feeling high or low on any given day, these simple messages can shift your perspective and give you something positive to build on. To subscribe, text MoreGoodDays to 393939.

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MD administration offices are open from Monday to Friday between 8:15am and 4:30pm.
Main Office: Box 722 - 3000, 15th Ave SE, Slave Lake, AB
T:780.849.4888  F:1.866.449.4888
Sub-office: 660061 Range Road 20, Flatbush, AB
T:780.681.3929  F:1.866.681.3929




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